DOSIS OPTIMUM ALLOXAN SEBAGAI DIABETOGEN PADA MENCIT (Mus musculus SW) JANTAN (Ayu Nirmala Sari, Ramadhani Eka Putra dan Ahmad Ridwan)


Ayu Nirmala Sari1, Ramadhani Eka Putra2 dan Ahmad Ridwan2

1Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, UIN Ar Raniry Banda Aceh, Indonesia 
2Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by an increase in blood glucose levels at the upper limit of normal (hyperglycemia) due to lack of insulin production or resistency at the insulin receptor to the insulin which has been produced by the β cells of the pancreas. Oxidative stress in diabetic people will increase the formation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in mitochondria and cause a variety of oxidative damage in the form of the complications of diabetes. Testing of materials containing antioxidant effect against diabetic mice can be a first step to find antidiabetes that can be used by humans. In this study, the optimum dose of alloxan seen as diabetogen to induce the condition of diabetes mellitus on mice (Mus musculus SW) male. 3 groups of mice were injected with three different doses of alloxan intraperitoneally, alloxan 150 mg/kg bw, 200 mg/kg bw and 250 mg/kg bw. Measurements of blood glucose levels performed 8 times using a glucometer within 21 days. The test results obtained dose of 200 mg/kg bw as the optimum dose for induction of diabetes mellitus. The optimum dose of alloxan injected to four groups of mice (A, B, C and D) shown increase of blood glucose levels in mice above 200 mg/kg bw. This proves that the 200 mg/kg bw alloxan monohydrate injected intraperitoneally to mice is the optimum dose of alloxan to induce diabetes mellitus.

Key words: diabetes, alloxan, diabetogen, intraperitoneal, radikal bebas,

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